Ladies Fashion Accessories(bags,shoes and much more) All In One Store 08063828975

It's Never too early for that christmas shopping,we at BOLD express,have got you all covered this season...we have got collections that suit both the MALE and FEMALE species .. from top designers like STEVE MADDEN,NIKE,JORDAN,LOUIS VUTTON,PUMA,MICHEAL KORS,ADIDAS,GUCCI,GIVENCHY and so much more..........
To order?
Call or whatsapp 08063828975
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Nationwide delivery!

Louis Vutton Bag Brown 14,450

Louis Vutton Handbag Brown 14,450

Micheal Kors Sneakers 8,950

Pink Chic Handbag 11,950

Transparent Black Heel 17,950


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